16 soulmate signs to look out for

Do you believe in soulmates? Going beyond fact and fiction, find out if you’ve really found your soulmate in our guide!
on September 30, 2024
Read time: 10 mins
by Laura Caruso LMHC

The concept of soulmates is an ever-present feature in modern culture. No matter how much so many want to dilute the Prince Charming narrative, the idea that the ‘one’ for us all waiting in our dating matches is hard to shake. 

This idea is so strong that when you do find someone to settle down with, you might find yourself searching for ‘signs’ that this is really your person. Looking for these soulmate signs isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as long as you remember you should be weighing up whether this person is right for you—rather than just if you’re destined to be together. 

“As much as I want to believe in the romance and the magic of soulmates, it’s important to acknowledge there’s no definitive evidence that a single, true soulmate exists for everyone,” says Laura Caruso, licensed therapist and relationship expert.  

“Instead, it may be more helpful to think of it as a deep soul connection—one that is built on emotional, spiritual, and physical compatibility. These connections can manifest in different ways with different people throughout your life, and they’re often more about the quality of the relationship than a fated, preordained meeting.”

To put it simply, if you’re too focused on finding that fictitious ‘perfect soulmate relationship’ that we see portrayed in the movies—you lessen your chances of ever finding it. 

“Rather than searching for a mythical "one," focus on the depth of connection you experience with your partner, or with prospective partners,” says Caruso. 

“True soul connections are about mutual growth, trust, and shared values, creating a meaningful bond that enhances your life in profound ways. Embrace the journey and stay open to the relationships that challenge and inspire you, because these connections are the ones that will truly fulfill you.”

What is a soulmate? 

Soulmate connections are often described as a lightning strike moment, where you lock eyes across the room and fall in love at first sight. 

This instant connection isn’t always straightforward, as a soulmate can simply be someone with whom things are easy. It doesn’t have to feel like true love right away, as it can often manifest as a deep sense of knowing later on—that this is your person and that’s that. 

“A soulmate is someone with whom you share an exceptionally deep emotional connection, grounded in mutual understanding, shared values, and life goals,” says Caruso. 

“This person often feels familiar and offers a sense of security, often challenging you to grow while also providing unconditional acceptance. Rather than a “perfect match,” a soulmate is someone who enhances your life through emotional intimacy, vulnerability, and personal growth, creating a relationship that transcends the ordinary.” 

Simply put, you just click, and it feels like you have a best friend and a romantic partner rolled into one. Spending time together feels easy and natural, with an immense sense of comfort arising and a healthy relationship slotting into place. 

How does the universe show you your soulmate?

Unfortunately, the universe doesn’t shine a light from the sky on your soulmate, or provide a map to their location. 

Instead, many people cite the universe as bringing them together in weird and wonderful ways.

“Many people believe the universe plays a role in bringing soulmates together with the idea that when the time is right, circumstances align to “deliver” or “show” you your soulmate,” says Caruso. 

“While there is no scientific evidence to back this idea, many people report feeling as though fate or a higher power played a role in connecting them with their soulmate. The concept suggests that when you’re ready—both emotionally and spiritually—the universe will guide you toward the person who complements your life journey.” 

People might explain these soulmate scenarios later on. “I wasn’t even going to go on that date!” “Or I never usually go to that coffee shop…” While some might think of these as a coincidence, others believe that this was the universe steering them toward their soulmate. 

If you don’t believe the universe has a role to play, it’s easier to locate an inner decision that led you toward your soulmate. Even though many people say “It’ll happen when you least expect it”, others believe you attract what you’re ready for. 

“I believe someone must be emotionally and spiritually ready to meet their ideal partner. When a person reaches this state of readiness, there’s an exchange of energy—one that is often difficult to describe—that radiates outwards, making them more open and magnetic to others,” says Caruso. 

“This energy reflects the completion of the inner work needed to be vulnerable, authentic, and emotionally available. It’s this shift in energy that often attracts the right partner—someone who is equally prepared for a deep and meaningful relationship.” 

When two people sync up like this, it can feel like a spiritual intervention has taken place. 

“When both individuals are aligned in this way, the connection intensifies, drawing them toward each other with infatuation that feels marked by fate or destiny,” says Caruso. 

It’s no longer “right person, wrong time”... It’s the right person and the right time, and that does have a certain magic to it.  

Can you sense when you are about to meet your soulmate?

While in hindsight people often cite that they just knew they were going to meet someone that day—in the moment, it’s not quite so straightforward. 

“When looking back, most people who’ve met their match tend to find synchronicities or coincidences that led them to their person,” says Caruso. 

“Maybe they switched grocery stores, started walking a new path to work, or found a new circle of friends before meeting their soulmate. Whatever the patterns may be, it might feel like those circumstances were pushing you together.”

Even though it’s easy to spot these idiosyncrasies when the moment has passed, you likely don’t know that your shift in pattern has significance until afterward. However, there can be more palpable shifts in your emotional availability that send a signal to the universe that you’re ready to meet your person. 

“Many people who believe in soulmates suggest subtle signs or sensations that indicate you’re about to meet your match,” says Caruso. 

“These signs often stem from personal growth, emotional readiness, and a sense of alignment with your surroundings.” 

While these aren’t definitive, Caruso suggests these are some intuitive signals that you’re on the verge of encountering someone special:

  1. A feeling of inner peace.

  2. Increased self-love and confidence.

  3. Synchronicities and meaningful coincidences.

  4. Heightened intuition.

  5. Personal growth and transformation.

  6. Magnetic energy.

How do you know if someone is your soulmate? 

Romantic soulmates can feel like such a foreign concept, that it’s only when you meet someone who you have that *click* with that you start to believe the rumours. 

“When you meet your ideal partner, there’s often an immediate and strong connection,” says Caruso. 

“Many describe it as an instant familiarity or “knowing” that this person will play a significant role in their life. While relationships require work, soulmate connections often start with a sense of ease and flow. Things just seem to fall into place naturally, without unnecessary drama or conflict in the early stages.

It’s more than just a physical attraction, meeting your soulmate feels like a moment of real significance. You may comment to your friends that you’ve never had a romantic relationship like this before, or that you’ve never been able to open up to a partner like this. You’re willing to share your little quirks and accept one another’s flaws. 

Unlike a twin flame relationship, where it’s all fiery passion and chaotic connection—you’re just your true self, basking in the joy of uncomplicated and unconditional love. In the absence of red flags, meeting your soulmate can feel like a genuine breathe of fresh air. 

“You may have a gut feeling or inner knowing that this person is different from anyone else, as if your intuition is telling you that you’ve found someone special,” says Caruso. 

“For some, it’s about shared values, effortless communication, and a natural sense of partnership. For others, the connection runs even deeper, marked by spirituality and an almost magnetic pull towards one another.” 

Whether you’re looking for practical clues or more profound, intuitive signals, these signs can help you determine if you’ve truly met your match in your significant other:

What are the most common soulmate signs to look out for?

  1. From the moment you meet, there’s an undeniable sense of familiarity, as if you’ve known each other for years.

  2. You align on core values—whether it’s family, career aspirations, or personal growth—which fosters a deep connection and mutual understanding.

  3. You both encourage each other to be the best version of yourselves, standing by each other’s side through ups and downs.

  4. You can talk openly and honestly without fear of judgment. 

  5. Even during disagreements, you feel you are heard and understood, and conflicts are resolved in a healthy, constructive way.

  6. You’re drawn to each other naturally, and this attraction strengthens over time.

  7. You approach challenges as a team, tackling life’s obstacles together.

  8. Their presence brings you peace, comfort, and a sense of belonging, no matter where you are or what you’re going through.

What are some spiritual signs you met your soulmate? 

  1. You experience a series of meaningful coincidences or synchronicities that seem to push you toward this person.

  2. Beyond the physical and emotional bond, there’s a deep spiritual connection that makes you feel like your souls are intertwined.

  3. Your relationship feels like it’s part of something greater than yourselves.

  4. You may feel you’ve known them in a past life or in another dimension.

  5. You often sense what the other person is feeling or thinking without needing to say a word.

  6. There’s a magnetic energy between the two of you that makes you feel more alive and connected to the universe.

  7. There’s an undeniable sense that your meeting was fated or destined.

  8. Your relationship pushes you toward spiritual growth, self-awareness, and healing. This connection feels like it’s helping you evolve on a soul level.

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