For a fun and tasty twist on the typical night in together, why not roll up your sleeves and make your own homemade pizzas from scratch?
The best part about this date is that it's a chance to get creative, throw out the rule book, and experiment with different flavors together. Grab a glass of your favorite drink, lay out your toppings (ideas below), and let the conversation flow.
Date night difficulty: 😅 😅 ◯ ◯ ◯
Things you’ll need: Pizza ingredients (see below)
Time needed to prepare: 20-25 minutes minutes to prep ingredients + shopping time if needed
Research conducted by relationship expert Dr. John Gray found that couples that enjoy cooking together are significantly more satisfied in all areas of their lives than couples who don’t cook together.
This correlates with further findings that cooking together is a great way to foster communication, spend time together in the moment and work on your team work; plus embracing a shared activity that requires attention and creativity is great for couple bonding.
What's more, research by Rachel Herz and Jonathan Schooler in 2002 shows memories involving smells are even more powerful than memories evoked by visual or verbal cues, so get messy and let this special date night leave its mark!
Cooking is also an opportunity for physical intimacy. Lay out all of the ingredients in bowls in front of you, so you can cook side-by-side. Reaching over to grab your chosen ingredients and your bodies will get you tangled up in no time.
You can either make the dough from scratch, which doesn't take long at all, or choose a store-bought dough. For an even speedier method, buy plain pizza bases (or even soft tortillas would do the trick) and use these as a base for the pizza instead of making your own.
If you'd like to have a go at making your own dough, check out this recipe from Love & Lemons.
Nothing beats a classic tomato sauce when it comes to a homemade pizza. You can make your own of course, but if you want to keep things simple, choose a store-bought tomato paste or puree (concentrated) or passata, which is pureed, strained tomatoes. Half a cup should be enough per pizza.
The beauty of homemade pizza is that you can add whatever you want. Have fun! Play around with your favorite toppings and flavors or add new ingredients you've never tried before.
For example, for a sweet and spicy combo, try:
Mozzarella cheese (sliced – one cup or more), mushrooms, sweet corn kernels, peppers, jalapeños (the hotter the better!), red onions and black olives.
Or, for something different that's hot and satisfying, try adding chorizo, goats cheese and rocket.
Both of these homemade pizza recipes taste delicious topped with fresh basil and parmesan after the pizza is baked.